




3枚目の写真は、木刀と居合刀の立ち比べです。 しかし、木刀を使っているときでも、私たちは 「本物の刀を持っているんだ!」と言います。落ち着いて集中する気持ちは同じです。



合気道部 部長 東 壮一郎


Hello everyone, we are the Kyushu International University Aikido Club!

We have recently started practicing Iaido for half an hour after our usual Aikido practice. The first photo is the wooden sword I usually use during practice and the iaido sword that Shihan was given by our teacher Hamada Sensei.

And there is a picture which shows the stance when holding the sword.

Here is a phrase Shihan once learned from Hamada Sensei, “Like a drop of dew falling from a leaf.” This is the feeling of calmness and serenity we learn through iaido training. But Sensei also taught us, “The opponent is still there! The battle is not over!” This means to keep your stance, remember your zanshin (focused awareness), keep your breathing calm and concentrate completely on each and every blow to subdue your opponent. I am also new to iaido, but each movement is very interesting and I would like to learn more about it.

The third picture is a comparison of standing with wooden sword and an iaido sword. But even when using a wooden sword we say, “I’m holding a real sword!” We try to keep the same calm and focused feeling.

If you are interested in coming to observe or to practice with us come to the dojo in the KIU Gym on Monday or Thursday. Aikido is from 6 p.m. until 7 p.m. and then we do iaido from 7 to 7:30. Of course, you don’t need an iaido sword, or a wooden sword. We will loan you a wooden sword.

If you have time, please feel free to come along!

Soichiro Higashi

Captain, KIU Aikido Club