






  1. 片手取り隅落とし(500円玉を拾う!)
  2. 片手取り回転投げ
  3. 片手取り小手返し(体捌き)
  4. 両手取りoutside
  5. 両手取りinside
  6. 呼吸10教(手で花のつぼみを作る)






北九州武心館主将 山内康平


【English】On November 20, 2021, we held a trial Aikido session for elementary and junior high school students at Kurosaki Com City, which was attended by about 16 children and their parents. I would be happy if this event has given them a little more interest in Aikido.

I would like to thank everyone who participated, Mr. Daishi Tanaka of the Kurosaki Federation of Shopping Associations, Mr. Ikeda and Mr. Ata of the Community Collaboration Center, Ms. Ishida, the director of the Kitakyushu Children’s Museum, the Kitakyushu International Association, and everyone who helped with the publicity.

The event is scheduled to be held again next year, so if you were unable to attend or would like to participate, please look forward to it. (Details are yet to be determined. We will announce it on our SNS, etc.)


The techniques introduced this time were:

  1. Katate-Dori Sumi-Otoshi (pick up a 500 yen coin!)
  2. Katate-Dori Kaiten Nage
  3. Kote Gaeshi (Tai Sabaki)

4 Katate Ryote-Dori  -Outside

  1. Katate Ryote-Dori -Inside
  2. Kokyuwaza #10 (Picking flower buds)


I chose techniques that are relatively easy to understand even for beginners.  At first glance, these techniques seem simple, but they are difficult to master because they are composed of important elements of Aikido, such as Aiki-Age, Aiki-Sage, and Tai-Sabbaki.  I think this is one of the profound aspects of Aikido.  And we finished by doing Ten Chi Kokyu Hou (Heaven and Earth Deep Breathing), and then a quiet meditation.  For me, the meditation at the end was excellent.  I could feel the quiet concentrated Ki of everyone.


I have taken videos and photos of this even, and will post them here.  Please take a look.


Kohei Yamauchi

Captain, Bushin Kan of Kitakyushu





  1. 基本技1~4教(Kihon-Waza 1kyou~4kyou)
  2. 基本技5~8教(Kihon-Waza 5kyou~8kyou)
  3. 短刀取り(Tantou-Dori)







