【合気道部】2024年 第62回 全国武徳祭 参加報告

























そして武徳祭前日の前夜祭で大日本武徳会に所属している他の武道の先輩方からも 初段に昇格したことを称賛され






合気道部 部長 東壮一郎



Hello everyone! This is the Kyushu International University Aikido Club!

I am pleased to report that on Monday, April 29, 2024, I participated in the Dai Nippon Butokukai 62nd National Butoku Sai (festival) held at the former Butoku Den Hall of the Kyoto Budo Center, located next to Heian Shrine. This was the second time for me to participate in the National Butoku Sai, having participated in the event last year. This year, my teacher, Shihan Williams, and I participated. There were six other members from the International Division of the Dai Nippon Butokukai, including the American Division, which had participated in last year’s International Butoku Sai, and the French Division, whom I met for the first time. I could feel the skill and intelligence that had been honed through their experience in the past in their performance.

And now I would like to tell you that during this period, we were given the opportunity to participate in the Youth Butoku Sai for the first time. We were just helping to set up the venue for the festival. I could feel the brightness and the vividness of the spirit of the children of the future.

And on the 24th, before the tournament began, Shihan Williams and I headed to Kyoto to train with Hamada Tesshin Sensei, (the head of our style) along with the seniors of the International Division who had participated together in las t year’s World Butoku Sai. The days leading up to the start of the Festival were a battle with my own anguish and conflicts. And not only the Budoku Sai, but there was also another ordeal for me. It was the black belt promotion examination on the 27th. Two of our school’s alumni took time out of their busy schedule to come to Butoku Den to help me. The content of the test was to take on and overcome three challenges given by Hamada Sensei. The dan promotion examinations had been held mostly on Zoom due to the Corona disaster, but this was the first time in several years that we were able to meet in person, and the first time in a long time that the examinations were held in Butoku Den. After that ordeal, I was finally promoted to Shodan and received my black belt.

However, I could not have done it alone. I was able to attain this rank because of the help of Hamada Sensei, Shihan Williams, the members of the International Division, and the seniors who are alumni of the Dai Nippon Butoku Kai. I have dedicated 16 years of my life to budo (karate and aikido), but I have never experienced such a moment in my life. I have only a few months left in my university life, but as long as time permits, I will continue to improve myself every day as the captain of Bushin Kan of Kitakyushu and I am very grateful to the continued support from the other members of the dojo. Thank you very much.

Soichiro Higashi, Captain of the Aikido Club