
こんにちは! 合気道部です!














演武のリンクはこちらです👉2023年 11月 橘祭演武 (youtube.com)

合気道部 部長 東壮一郎


Hello everyone,

This is the Kyushu International University Aikido Club!

We participated in the annual University Festival on 25 November 2023 with a food stall, stage demonstrations and joined the Presentation Battle.

At our stall, in addition to tacos as in previous years, we also served beverages this year.
Customers who bought tacos said, “They were delicious last year, but this year they were even better! I want to try them again next year!” We also received feedback on how we can improve the tacos in the future, which was very helpful.

After the demonstration, we also received feedback such as, “It was very impressive! May I take one photo?” We were glad to have volunteers from the crowd come up on stage and do self-defense techniques with Shihan. The day before, we had a rehearsal, but I was so absorbed in the performance that I don’t remember if I did as well as I had hoped, but I personally felt that it went well.

Afterwards, I participated in the KIU Presentation Battle against other seminar teams. We spoke about what our aikido training is like and what it means to us. Then, Shihan did a short iaido demonstration. Next, I did an aikido demonstration with Shihan. Finally, we were questioned by the judges about how aikido had changed our lives in a day-to-day way. All three of us KIU students responded immediately with “gratitude”: gratitude to have a partner to train with in the dojo had led each of us to develop and to express a strong sense of gratitude toward our relationships outside of the dojo, for example with family, friends, and even simple interactions with staff at convenience stores. Afterwards, our team was awarded the Special Judging Award. This was a real surprise and honor, not only for me but also for the whole club. We had not expected to receive this award at all.
Of course, there is room for improvement, but I will make the most of it next time.

It was a fun and busy day, but at the same time it was a training session that made me think about what I still need to do as captain. I look forward to working with everyone again next year.

Thank you very much,

Aikido Club Captain Soichiro Higashi