Calgary Study Abroad Travel Report
Students travelled to Calgary Canada from September 2 to September 25.
After arriving in Calgary, students were welcomed by their homestay families and returned home with them. Over the following three weeks students experienced first hand what it was like to live in Canada and many students were also introduced to the culture and foods of their host families as well. We then had a three day vacation as September 4th is Labor Day in Canada so some students used this time to travel to the nearby Drumheller Dinosaur Museum.
Classes at the University of Calgary then began on September 5 for students. They attended conversation classes in the mornings and reading classes in the afternoon from Monday to Friday.
The University of Calgary has an English only policy so students were expected to speak only English in class and between classes when at the university.
After classes there was often extracurricular actives which included parties and board game nights. These activities provided repeated opportunities for students to meet and talk with other international students from other classes.
Students were usually free in the afternoon and on weekends and most students used this free time to use the university’s facilities, explore Calgary, and travel to the surrounding countryside. At the university they swam, went rock climbing, or ice skated. In the city they went to museums, theme parks and shopping malls. In the countryside they visited the mountains or nearby sightseeing spots. Many students reported that the mountains and lakes around Banff were especially beautiful. These short day trips also allowed students to try both Canadian food such as poutine and international food available around the city. All students reported they had a great time in Calgary and many said they wished they could have stayed longer.
カルガリー到着後、学生はホストファミリーに歓迎され、それぞれホームステイ先へと向かいました。9月4日はカナダの「Labor Day」にあたるため、3日間の休暇を利用して、近くのドラムヘラー恐竜博物館へ行った生徒もいたようでした。